The Spatial Lab provides professional geographic information system (GIS) and mapping services to a wide variety of organisations, industries and projects. Providing quality maps, data and solutions to communicate, analyse or solve complex problems.

Directors Graeme Hill and Stephen Barr have extensive experience in spatial services. Graeme is a GIS specialist who has worked across state and local government for 25 years, while Stephen has 30 years of experience in surveying, planning, and consulting across a variety of industries. The Spatial Lab specialises in the ESRI ArcGIS platform but can provide spatial services for a variety of products and solutions.

Contact us to discuss your project: enquiries@thespatiallab.com.au
or call Graeme Hill directly on 0438 762 770


    With over 23 years of experience, The Spatial Lab are experts in the use GIS technology and management of data. Our expertise coupled with our extensive network of suppliers ensures the production of our work and collation of data is always of quality.


    We are dedicated to understanding our clients challenges, to ultimately solve problems and seek opportunities. The Spatial Lab are strategic thinkers who strive to provide their clients with the fundamental materials and solutions to reach their goals.


    Together, in collaboration with our clients we provide the best quality of work to build solutions that shape tomorrow. We do this by using cloud base software, allowing our clients to have access to their data and information anytime, anywhere.

Data unlocked, smarter solutions

We are experts in technology and experts in solutions. We understand trends, identify problems, and analyse the relationship between data. We believe in power of GIS technology to solve problems and unlock potential for our clients. With more than 23 years experience, we provide deep technical expertise of GIS technology coupled with our strategic advice to achieve the goals for our clients.

We are driven. We are experts. We are providing smarter solutions.

We are The Spatial Lab.